Sunday 26 August 2012

our sunday morning...

We are having an interesting Sunday morning here in Nassau.  Isaac (though only a strong tropical storm) has hit, and church is cancelled!  This video was taken 1 mile and a half from our house...I know...crazy to go down there this morning, but I just had to!

We trust all family and friends are well and enjoying God's grace in a fresh way as you meet in your local churches.  More to come soon...

Sunday 19 August 2012

baptism service

Goodman's Bay Beach

Yesterday, we participated in our first baptism service since our arrival in Nassau.  What a joy it was to be involved in such a significant event in the lives of these folks...including two Bunting's:  Keaton and Kara.  Kingdom Life's baptism services are held at Goodman's Bay Beach, one of the public beaches on the island.  It is a unique opportunity because there are people at the beach, and these people take notice of what we're doing as we sing and baptize.  It is a great evangelistic opportunity  Afterwards, those who attended lingered as we ate conch stew together.

Here is an chance to get to know a little about each of those baptized as well as others who partipated in the service.  They are as follows from left to right.

David Humes - David is a member of the Kingdom Life Church leadership team and has been for many years!  David assisted in the baptism.

Myrna Wilson - Myrna has been a Christian for most of her life, was baptized as an infant in the Anglican church here in Nassau, and had the desire to humble herself as an adult to participate in believer's baptism.  She is a prayer warrior in the church.

Cedric Moss - senior pastor

Joshua Bethel - Joshua is a humble, godly young man whom I have gotten to know since our arrival.  He is one of our youth and has now made a profession of faith.  He also plays drums on the worship team.

Vernika, Vernal, Janis and Levante Cox (all in the same family) have made professions of faith and desired to be baptized.  Vernal and Janis (husband and wife) have been believers for several years.  Vernal was never baptized, and Janis (like Myrna her mother) was baptized as an infant and wanted to follow through with adult baptism as well.

Me, Kara and Keaton.  One of my greatest joys in life so far was to baptize two of my daughters.  May God's grace rest on them as they continue to grow in becoming disciples of Christ.

Below are photos of Keaton and Kara getting baptized.

Kara getting baptized.

Keaton getting baptized.

Video of singing after baptism...

Wednesday 15 August 2012

no boat, but a "ship!"

Hello dear reader....Kristin here.  As I mentioned in the video update, fellowship is a strength of Kingdom Life Church.   This past Sunday we had yet another opportunity for fellowship with our church.  One of the ladies in the church had called last week and invited us for Sunday lunch, or "dinner" as they call it.  I told her we'd be glad to come, but that we had Keith's parents and nephew with us.  She said she knew we had extra family in town and to of course bring them...there'd be lots of people coming, and it would be a potluck.  After attending a few of these potlucks, I have a greater appreciation for what a massive amount of food can result with each family bringing only 1 or 2 dishes!  We had BBQ chicken, fried fish, mac and cheese, peas and rice, potato salad, veggie salad, and BBQ'd baked beans.  This was followed by pineapple upside down cake and chocolate cake with peanut butter icing.  There was plenty!

All in all, our hostess had 26 people.  This is common here at Kingdom Life.  As a hostess, I would be tempted to be nervous about having 26 people over for dinner, but when you divide it up potluck style, it becomes much less daunting.  Isn't this how all of life is meant to be lived in the kingdom of God?  Each of us, using our gifts, coming together to share what we can with the rest of God's people?...It's a beautiful thing.  God mysteriously works in our community, causing each of our small contributions to swell and multiply into something much greater than we could imagine.  I love having the resources of friends within the body of Christ to turn to for counsel, encouragement and help.  Whether I have questions about parenting, homeschooling, home-management or any other area of practical need, I am rich to have so many wise and godly people to turn to for help.  As the days, weeks, and months continue to add up here in Nassau, I am praying that God will cause our small contributions to this local church to mix with all the others already represented and multiply into something greater than we can imagine.  We pray the same for Crossway!  For God's Glory...

Friday 10 August 2012

Keith's parents here from Florida

God has been very good to us!  As most of you know, my parents have had many health challenges over the past several years.  My mother has battled cancer for the past 7 years (currently in remission), and my dad currently battles Parkinson's Disease.  These two saints are faithful examples of steadfast, daily faith in God who live grateful for every day!

Last Saturday, they both boarded the plane along with my 18 year-old nephew and came to visit us.  This requires long lines, dealing with customs officers and putting up with us for ten days!  They are to be commended for their courage and young-heartedness as they are in their 70's.  It is amazing that they came to visit us already.  God is good!

We actually had them to the beach the other evening, and they seemed to have a great time.  We are hoping to make the most of it throughout the remaining time we have together.  Here are a few photos.

Please pray for them that God will continue to grant them good health.  Also, pray for their traveling safety as they head back to Orlando on Tuesday.

Monday 6 August 2012

Mall Event in Nassau

The newly formed Kingdom Life Church Youth Choir

Our worship team vocalists

"Passers-by" got balloons, and so did the ceiling above us!

The worship pastor looks very unhappy, but this is NOT the case!

This past Saturday, we were asked by the local mall to sing as a church in the mall center.  What a gospel opportunity!  We are grateful that we can express the gospel so freely here.  We sang very deliberately and intentionally about Christ and the cross for one whole hour, and we had quite a gathering as the youth choir was singing.  We trust that the Lord will produce gospel fruit through this event.

Sunday 5 August 2012

A sobering interaction...

I (Keith here) was working in the yard a few days ago, and a Bahamian man riding a bike rode up to our gate.  Soliciting is not very common in the Bahamas for security reason, and most people live behind fences and gates.  So, it was odd to have someone show up at our doorstep in this manner.  The man, without going into detail, had a rough appearance with ragged clothes, a torn hat and holes in his shoes.  He proceeded to ask me if I had any work around my yard that I needed done.  He said, "I need work.  I got no nottin' to eat, mon."  The discomfort of the moment compelled me to reply with a quick "No sir, I'm sorry.  I have nothing for you."  He got on his bike and rode away.

Looking back, I think there were several reasons I gave this reply:  protection of my family (not a bad thing)...and, I really didn't have work for him, nor the money to pay him.  But, I am ashamed to admit, part of me just didn't want to be bothered.  Was there any way at all I could have responded better to this gospel opportunity...? 

Jesus' interaction with the rich young ruler gives us a staggering picture.  The young man asked what he must do to be a disciple of Jesus.  Jesus' response?  "Sell everything you have and give it to the poor.  Then, you will have treasure in heaven."  While I don't think Jesus was expecting the rich young ruler to follow through on this, He was certainly speaking directly to the heart of this man who had everything.  Discipleship requires sacrifice.  And, part of our discipleship certainly requires having a gospel-centered view of the poor.  This reflects God's own heart towards poor and needy sinners like us.

This man has been on my mind ever since, and I have been praying for him as well as praying for new opportunities to meet the needs of the poor here in Nassau.  I'm attaching a few snapshots we've taken of some lower income areas.  They are all around us!  It would be easy to get overwhelmed, but we trust that God has a plan on how we are to be involved.  Please pray for us that we will take advantage of the gospel opportunities all around us!