Wednesday, 7 May 2014

It's Official!

Drumroll, please.....We are thrilled to announce the new home of the Bunting Nest...Crestview, Florida!  We received word this past week that we are being joyfully welcomed into the staff and membership of Crossway Community Church in Crestview!

In my previous post, I alluded to our "friends" at some unspecified locale that we might be linking arms with in pastoral ministry.  Well today the mystery is over.  Jim and Tammy Brown were our care group leaders and friends during our year at the Pastor's College.  We cannot say enough about how they enriched our time there.  You can find my entry about Tammy Brown on a blog post from 2 years ago here:

I may not have survived my year at the PC without Tammy's companionship and likewise, some of our girls may not have survived without her children for friends.  To think of the two families being reunited in location and mission is very exciting.

We covet your prayers in this time of transition and re-entry into American life.  I know we've only been gone two years, but for my girls that is a chunk of their most significant years to date.  These have been the years of the most growing up; with marked changes in their looks, maturity level and relationships.

Pray for Crossway Community Church in Crestview.  This church has been through many ups and downs over the years and we see how God has enabled the dear members there to hold tight to Christ through it all.  We are honored that God would send us there, to be part of the next era in this church's life.

Six weeks from today we set sail (or board a plane) for our next step into Florida life.  Lots of packing, planning, and saying good-byes here in these next weeks.  Bittersweet, yet we know the hope of what God is calling us to.  Stay tuned for a post on the home we hope to purchase in Crestview.  Our offer is being made today, and we pray God grants us favor with the bank that owns it. 

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