- July 2012: Tom and Cindy Ryan (Gaithersburg, MD)
- August 2012: Paul and Jackie Bunting and Jesse Ramsdell (Keith's parents and nephew from Florida)
- Sept. 2012: Aron and Ellie Osborne (Orlando, FL)
- Feb. 2013: Alyssa Waite (Terre Hill, PA)
- Feb. 2013: The Privitera Family (Lancaster, PA)
- March 2013: Chris Jessee (Orlando, FL)
- April 2013: Anthony and Yvette Rood (Frederick, MD)
- June 2013: Kim, Nathan, Philip and Jack Fernandez (Keith's sister and Family Warner-Robbins, GA)
- June 2013: Neal Cypher (Kristin's brother, Atlanta, GA)
- June 2013: Kevin and Becca Deming (Holly Springs, NC)
- August 2013: Gracie Brown (Niceville, FL)
- August 2013: Chris and Stephanie Jessee (Orlando, FL)
- Nov. 2013: Elisa Pawson (Lancaster, PA)
- Nov. 2013: Next Week: Randy, Tina, and Phoebe Wenger (Lititz, PA)
- Nov. 2013: Week of Thanksgiving: Kevin and Diana Bunting and Matthew Ramsdell (Keith's brother, sis-in-law, and nephew from Orlando)
Ticket-holding visitors so far for 2014
- Feb. 2014: Addison, Dana, Alyssa, Zane, and Mikaya Waite (Terre Hill, PA)
- Feb. 2014: Doug and Brenda Plank (Millersville, PA)
Just as God, through Christ, welcomes those both near and far into his kingdom, we want to reflect his character in the way we welcome others. This is a work in the making, I assure you. As you pray for us to find another rental home here, pray also that God will continue to equip us with skill and open hearts to receive all the dear ones He brings our way.
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